Vocal Energetics



Judith Lynne and her work in sound healing for Parkinson’s patients

Early in 2008 Judith was featured in our film “Vibration for Healing” as one of the sound healers who use the crystal singing bowls. We filmed her sounding with the dolphins in Hawaii. Because Judith shares her time between Portland, Oregon and her spiritual home in Hawaii, it is in these two locations that this new film was produced.

The first part of this project consists of a meditation video specifically geared to persons with Parkinson’s Disease. In order to make this meditation available to the PD community in general, it was posted free on a YouTube site specifically created for the project. This video has been graciously funded by the Lyman Fund.

The second part of the project is a full-length DVD which includes a documentary about Judith Lynne, her journey and her work. For the PD community, the producers feel that the most important part of the DVD is its special features. These features include the afore-mentioned meditation, specific vocal exercises, segments of Judith’s workshop presentations, etc. These are features that the PD community are able to access on a daily basis.

VOCAL ENERGETICS – Judith Lynne’s Life and Work (YouTube: 9:32)

VOCAL ENERGETICS – Introduction to Toning Meditation (YouTube: 11:24)

VOCAL ENERGETICS - Toning with Crystal Bowls (YouTube: 5:35)

VOCAL ENERGETICS – Parkinson’s Mask (YouTube: 7:57)

VOCAL ENERGETICS – Hula: a great tool for meeting the movement challenges of Parkinson’s Disease (YouTube: 2:42)


For more information on Vocal Energetics, please visit Judith Lynne’s website: I-am-a-song.com
Contact Judith via email