Vibration for Healing – The Sound You Feel consists of over twenty vignettes centering on sound healers—most of whom use the crystal singing bowls—and illustrates the many uses of sound for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. From “singing” with the dolphins in Hawaii, to meeting a “peace pilgrim” in Oregon; from a space clearing at a Madison Avenue art gallery to a recital at Santa Fe’s famous Loretto Chapel, this film portrays people who have visions of a new day, people who hope to heal the planet by using their voices and the healing vibrations of crystal singing bowls. Among those featured in this film are author and healer Renee Brodie, musician and sound healer Ashana, frequency shifter Judith Lynne, as well as many others who incorporate sound healing into their daily lives.
Special bonus features include: interviews with sound healing pioneers Jonathan and Andi Goldman as well as innovative new age musician Steven Halpern; a sound healing session with Diana LaDue-Hand of Wise Awakenings; and biographies and website information of all featured healers.
The production of this film took us to a host of locations and took a year to complete. While filming the documentary we encountered many people who knew someone who owned crystal singing bowls or who had some themselves; however, they didn’t know the variety of ways in which they were used…and neither did we. From what we hear, this is a film that crystal bowl lovers have been waiting for.
– Claudine Jordan and Tom Klodin, Producers
English. 40 minutes, plus Special Features. Widescreen Format.
Available on DVD from Amazon
Streaming video from GaiamTV
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